Thursday, 27 August 2015

42nd Highlanders, The Black Watch. 28mm Napoleonic miniatures.

This group of figures represent the 42nd Highland Regiment, known as the Black Watch. This is the first unit I have finished of my new project for 2015, a Napoleonic British army, sparked off by the bicentenary of  the Battle of Waterloo. The design for the tartan took a little time to settle on as I wanted it to look good but be simple enough to reproduce.
The unit has been based for playing with Warlord Games Black Powder.
The Black Watch in line. The miniatures are are a mixture of Victrix, Perry and Front Rank.

 The command group with the colours and drummer. The figures are Perry Miniatures and the flags are from the Victrix set.

The flank company deployed to screen the main body of troops.

Off they go to their next mission in good Napoleonic style, marching with all they need on their backs.

A casualty marker to keep record of the stamina of the regiment.


Tuesday, 2 June 2015

British infantry support weapons. 28mm WW1 miniatures.

Here we have the iconic weapons of World War One; the machines Gun and the mortar.
These lads armed with the Vickers machine guns are supporting the 2nd. Battalion, Duke of Wellington's Regt.
These machine guns, well placed, would stop the most determined attack. In the game WHH The Great War, the HMG has two modes of fire, both quite devastating.

Next are the 3" Stokes mortar delivering well needed close fire support.
Lobbing their bombs in a high arc, these weapons were perfect for trench warfare and were common.
The miniatures are from First Corps, Renegade Miniatures and Great War Miniatures.

Sunday, 31 May 2015

2nd Bn. Duke of Wellington's Regt. 28mm WW1 miniatures.

This group of 28mm World War One miniatures represent the 2 Bn. Duke of Wellington's Regt. Halifax's own regiment and home of the regimental museum. The divisional sign displayed on the shoulder in green is a stylised ram's head. The troops also display a square brigade distinction patch in different colours, here used to differentiate companies.
The 2nd Battalion command group.
Observations from the forward command post.
Blue company advance over no man's land. The company consists of a 5 man company command group and 3 platoons. The force composition is based on the army lists of Warhammer Historical's The Great War.
The company Lewis gunners and No 2s.
Red company 'go over the top'.
Veteran troops showing their wound stripes and other battalion and company patches.

This army has just been finished in readiness for a new popular set of rules, I hope. 

Sunday, 17 May 2015

British Toffee Apple Mortar. WW 1 28mm miniatures.

The British toffee apple mortar, named after the ammunition, was a heavy trench mortar.
Miniatures from North Star Miniatures.

  The toffee apple ammunition is made from 8mm beads.