Monday, 28 November 2016

The Royal Winnipeg Rifles. 28mm WW2 miniatures.

These figures represent a platoon of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles, part of the 3rd Canadian Infantry division. They formed the right wing of the Canadian forces that landed on Juno beach, on D Day.
The figures are mainly Renegade Miniatures with a few  Crusader Miniatures.
Each ten man section is made up of an NCO with a Sten gun, a Bren gun team and seven rifle men.
Each platoon was supported by a 2" mortar and a Piat anti-tank team.
The troops display the black and white shoulder patch of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles and the grey rectangular patch of the 3rd Division. 

Monday, 21 November 2016

Yorkshire Renegades Open Fire Bolt Action tournament

This weekend, 20th November 2016, I had the pleasure of taking part in the Open Fire Bolt Action tournament run by Yorkshire Renegades. I took my Soviet army representing a siege assault group of the 150th Division, 3rd Shock Army during  storming of Berlin.

The day involved three games played on gaming tables with excellent terrain. As the title suggests there were armies from all eras and theatres of the Second World War though the organisers made sure Axis played Allied forces. The lads taking part were all friendly and sporting opponents.
I did not get any photos of the first game which was the 'Demolition' scenario. I drew this game as the unit poised to take the objective failed their order.
The second scenario was 'Key positions' with three objectives. This game went better with all three objectives captured by the Soviets.
The infantry advance on mass.
The T34 advances boldly into town.
The final stages of the battle see the Germans bottled up.

The final game was the 'Meeting engagement', that also went the well for the Soviets with the German forces completely cleared off the battlefield.
A rather lonely German officer faces off against a T34. Gulp!

The final shots.

A great day out and thanks to all involved.