Friday, 2 December 2016

10th Armoured Regiment, The Fort Garry Horse, A squadron.

The two Sherman tanks and the Firefly have the markings of the 10th Armoured Regiment, The Fort Garry Horse. This regiment was one of three that formed 2nd Armoured Brigade attached to the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division. This division landed on Juno beach on D-Day.
These tanks have been made to support my platoon of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles. They carry the yellow triangle, marking them as A squadron.
The models are Warlord Games box set British Sherman tank troop. The models go together well and I was happy with the results. So much so I have got another box set to produce B squadron. 
No tank model is worth it's salt without a clutter of stowage.
Having trawled the web for images of Canadian Sherman tanks in Normandy I found that Firefly tanks often had cloth draped on them presumably to reduce glare from the painted surfaces. I have modelled this with muslin socked in PVA. Quite happy with the results.